Whiting Farms Hebert Miner Medium Brown Hackle Capes & Saddles
When you think of the color brown and compare it to what is considered "brown" in the hackle world you can see there is a discrepancy. Brown in the world of hackle has a definite "red" tone; not the "red" found in such colors as cardinal, scarlet or blood but more towards auburn red hair. The Rhode Island Red chicken is a good example of red in terms of hackle color. This color starts where light brown ends and ends where Coachman brown begins. Generally you should expect a color that is brown with a red overcast. Actually many prefer medium brown with a distinct red overcast for tying the famous Coachman series of flies. It must be noted that medium brown is sometimes dyed; not very often but at times it is and is hard to tell from non dyed hackle. The dyed brown will tie a bit darker as both sides of the feather are close to the same color. Natural brown will often have the side closest to the skin or the inside face of the feather a lighter shade than the outside face of the feather.
We inspect and grade each cape and saddle then take high-resolution, quality photos of each one so you know exactly what you are ordering from us. Since from bird to bird the colors may vary (as well as dyed colors)
we show all in stock colors below for you to chose the exact one that meets your
needs. (Click on a thumbnail image below to see a larger image.)